I’ve had a crazy few weeks treading a bumpy road, so much so, that it’s been difficult to keep my mojo! So this week I am not going to talk to you about photography per se - certainly nothing technical but I want to highlight the fact that behind the façade of online perfection, behind all the glossy marketing, we are all, at the end of the day: human! None of us is exempt from the highs and lows of life, alongside which - running a business or even a family for that matter, can be challenging.
My passion for photography serves as my personal zen! I look through my viewfinder, down the nose of my lens and I find that the chaos of life fades into oblivion! I think we all need an avenue down which to escape and I find that the escapism often converts into a very positive energy in the chosen field of interest. In my case, it isn’t just the act of taking the photography which is calming, but also sitting in front of the computer with a cup of freshly brewed (milky!) tea, editing images on Lightroom is extraordinarily relaxing. The process is every bit as rewarding as the finished image and if we walk away with a good image, feeling calmer, it’s a win win.
Another point worth noting, all artists - whatever their trade: photography, music, cuisine, couture - whatever…. benefit from ups and downs. If life was an even plateau we wouldn’t experience the spectrum of emotions and our work would be as bland as our average lives!
So whatever comes your way today, embrace it and convert your experiences into life’s treasures!
And I thank you for joining me here on this page because our connection adds a very welcome dimension to my life. if you think your friends would enjoy this page, feel free to recommend.
In the meantime, I offer a ray of sunshine below which came from a ‘grey’ day :)
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