Let's get creative in our isolation!

In these uncertain times I feel somewhat impotent, especially when we see all that those on the ‘frontline’ are doing for our respective countries. For those of us not able to help we can do our bit by staying at home and keeping safe so that we don’t add to the numbers of people needing care. There is plenty to keep us busy at home. I am organising my Lightroom catalogue and once finished (yes, there’s a lot to tidy!) I shall be looking to make photo books. My son will soon celebrate his 20th birthday and is still waiting for a book featuring photos of his first 18 years! I might also create a book of my still life photos which could be great to flick through on a rainy day. 

This golden poppy will hopefully bring sunshine to your day as you ponder which projects you will tackle in your isolation. 

Poppy joy march 29.jpg