Become mindful of your light when taking photographs

Something which has a tendency to stop a good photo from becoming a great photo is strong light. Contrast in a macro image is great, adding depth - but too much light and shade can be very harsh and unattractive. This is just as true with portrait photography. 

To help with light, I use a diffuser. It can be an inexpensive diffuser purchased from a camera store or online but also effective are packing materials, a white tea towel and, I read the other day, of someone who keeps a sheet of white paper and another of wax paper in his camera bag to act as diffusers when he’s out and about.  The diffuser makes the light falling on your subject so much softer. So, whether you shoot outdoors or indoors there are very inexpensive and lightweight options. 

Without your camera, take a suitable material as suggested above, and experiment to see how the light is diffused, watching your subject carefully to monitor the difference. Once you’ve spent some time observing the effects of the diffuser you can start to apply this process to your photography.

Becoming mindful of the light is an essential step towards creating beautiful images. Have fun!

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