Macro photography without a tripod

As you know, I often like to use a tripod but what about those days when we don’t want to - or it is not practicable to do so?  How do we still achieve crisp shots?

A solution is to set your camera on ‘burst’ mode which means it will take a sequence of fast shots. It’s used a lot with sports photography with fast-moving action. Stand with your feet apart in such a way that you feel really solid and stable, maybe even lean against a wall or a tree. Get your image in your viewfinder with the focus looking pretty good and then slowly, and really gently, move tentatively forwards and backwards. Effectively you are adjusting the focus point with your gentle motion. Some of your shots won’t be sharp, but many will be. And if you’re like me, you’ll realise that you haven’t breathed whilst you’ve been focusing (in every sense) so intently! 

It takes practice but with time you should get some fabulous results.

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